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Create Work Orders From Issues

Work Orders – Managers Create W.O.s to Resolve Issues & Problem

NOTE before beginning:

You can create One W.O.

Assign it to One Mechanic

To handle ALL Problems on

One Vehicle.


You can Create Many W.O.s for One Vehicle.  This allows you to:

  • Assign Different Issues to Different Mechanics

  • Assign Different Priorities to each issue on the vehicle. 

              - This will prioritizes some work and make other work wait.

So, Where do you BEGIN? 

1) Inspection Failures create ISSUES          &         2) Driver Complaints create ISSUES

SO, the Easiest Place to get Statuses on your vehicles is the ‘Issue’ Page.  It tells you what's wrong.


There you can Generate & Assign Work based on Vehicle Problems.

Generate Work Orders from Issues:

  • Go to the Issues List.


[Standard Navigation / Issues / Issues / […] / Add to W.O.]

  • By ‘Adding Issue to Work Order’, Vehicle info will self-populate into the W.O.

  • Select the Work Urgency Level through ‘Status’ and ‘Start Date’.


  • Verify ‘Issue Date’ & ‘Issued By’


  • Set a Start Date Based on Urgency, but realize that STATUS Trumps Start Date.


  • Mileage/Meter should be pre-populated.


  • Assign to Desired Technician


  • Select ‘Label’ that best describes Work:


         - Correct/Repair = Something Failed. 


         - Inspection = Investigative.


         - PM = Regular Wear Item Replacement


         - Rebuild/Refurbish = Rebuilding Vehicle.

  • Select the Work ‘Cause’

       - Routine/Planned = Expected/Scheduled.


       - Unexpected = ‘Popped-Up’


       - Abuse/Neglect = Resulted from Misuse


  •  URGENT - Enter a ‘Due Date’.


  • Select All Issues you want addressed by THIS Work Order.

        - To assign different ISSUES to different                  TECHNICIANS, create a W.O. for each Tech.











  • Enter ‘Parts’, ‘Labor’ or ‘Service Tasks’ to be performed. (optional)




  • Add Photos or Documents. (optional)




  • Provide Job Comments. (optional)

Here are two additional ways to create W.O.s:

   1) From the Vehicle List

   2) Manually


Generate W.O. from Vehicle List

  • Go to the Vehicle List

  • Find the Vehicle you want to Create a W.O. for

 [Standard Navigation / Vehicles / Vehicle List]

  • Select <click on> the Vehicle you wish to Create a W.O. for

  • Click on the Green ‘+Add’ button in the upper right corner

  • Select ‘Work’ Order from the list.

  • Some Vehicle Info will self-populate into the W.O.

Create W.O. Manually

  • Go to the Work Orders Page

[Standard Navigation / Service / Work Orders / + Add Work Order]

  • Click on the Blue ‘+Add Work Order’ button in the upper right corner.

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