DTI Program

A Comprehensive Checkup & Report That Keeps Your Trucks Working
The DTI (Drive Through Inspection) Program is a revolutionary, in-depth, proactive inspection performed by a specially trained Long Life Fleet team. The inspection consists of over 350items that encompasses 34 major to minor vehicle systems.
Vehicle owners receive a comprehensive report that empowers them to know:
What is A-OK with their vehicle and needs no attention
What is in need of immediate repair, because it has failed or is ready to fail
What is wearing, or is in a state of compromise
Long Life Fleet provides truck owners with a predictive rating, so vehicles can be repaired at a convenient time and before the failure occurs. For example, if we determine that a part has mild play and should be replaced within 20,000 miles or 6 months, the owner can plan for the repairs without disrupting on-the-road time.