Work Order Assignments
Assign / Change Assignment / Edit a W.O.
[Standard Navigation / Service / Work Orders]

The ‘Assigned To’ column will be empty. (see yellow box)
The ‘Number’ column refers to the W.O. #
Click on the W.O. # to open it.
Click the [Edit ] button in the Upper/Right corner of the page
Go to the ‘Assigned To’ field and choose the desired Mechanic.
Make any other edits or changes to the W.O.
Click the blue [Save Work Order] button in the upper right corner.
Scheduling Work Orders
There is no specific process needed to Schedule Work Orders. It is done when you:
Assign the Work Order to a Mechanic (see above)
Set the ‘Status’ on the W.O. based on the job’s Priority. (You can reset Status anytime)
Optionally, you can assign a Start Date or Due Date when creating the W.O.